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How Do You Make Your Hanging Baskets Look Like Ours?

How Do You Make Your Hanging Baskets Look Like Ours?

#1 - Start with a hanging basket that is quality grown. 

Not all hanging baskets are created equal. Baskets from The Plant Farm have been tested and approved by our in-house growing team.


#2 - Water, Water, Water! 

This is so important for the success of the basket. In April and May, when the nights are still cool, you want to be careful not to water late in the day and not overwater. However, when the temperatures start to rise, we also need to be increasing the amount of water the plant is getting. We recommend if you are watering with a hose/watering can water your basket until the water comes out the top of the pot. If water runs immediately out of the bottom of the basket when you water, then your plant was too dry when you started watering. 


#3 - Apply systemic granules to prevent bugs. 

Bugs are a natural part of plants being outside, but prevention is always the best direction. We suggest using Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control Granules for your houseplants and Bonide Systemic Rose & Flower Care Granules for your roses and flowers. We have these products for purchase in our retail store. When you visit our retail store be sure to ask our associates which granules are best for your plants. You can also find similar granule products in a nursery or gardening center near you. 


#4 - Fertilize your plants with the correct fertilizer. 

This is huge! Many hanging baskets are iron-hungry plants, yet most people fertilize with an all-purpose fertilizer, and then they are surprised when their plant is crying for iron. For your petunias and other flowers, we suggest using Jack’s Classic Petunia Feed, which helps to supply the plants with the iron that they need to flourish throughout the spring and summer. For your begonias, fuchsias, and geraniums you just need an all-purpose fertilizer. When you visit our retail store be sure to ask our associates which fertilizer is best for your plants. Our goal is to help you succeed in growing beautiful and healthy plants. You can also find a similar fertilizer product in a nursery or gardening center near you. 


#5 - Apply a slow-release fertilizer to give your plants an extra boost. 

With these tricks, you can have the best baskets on the street! 

Previous article What are Plug Plants and How to Plant Them?

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